Cannot believe we almost missed this range of remote control toys, this line must have launched whilst we were on our company away day in Outer Mongolia. Anyways, Monster Smash-Ups is a splendid choice for those still seeking playthings for those hard-to-buy-fors. It’ll keep siblings occupied for hours, is a great way for big kids and smaller ones to collaborate, is modular with your Danish, and other, construction bricks and you are actually invited, in fact it is urged that you undertake direct hits. The R/C cars are pretty nippy and have very decent maneuverability, the drivers have an ejector seat, there are accessories, you can add your own extras from household items, this is a toy that’ll have you tearing up the lino/wood floor (insert other non shagpile type surfaces here) – £25 each, three to collect, red, blue and yellow hues – go on, you’ve deserve it/them.