My grandparents and my boy Billy’s great grandparents are farmers. They have a dog, a cat, some geese and hens, one or two cows and other bits and bobs you’d expect to find on a classic farm, old feeding troughs, manual rusty farming implements and lots and lots of “muck”. Playmobil’s 123 Range have nailed it perfectly with their Farm set. You get all the characters, farmer with his pitch fork, dog, cat, bird on the roof, pig, two feeding troughs, bag of potatoes, a barrel and other household essentials including a table and chairs.
The farm itself opens up and turns in to a very basic doll-house revealing a situation for our Billy to order everyone where he wants them to stand and then of course knock them over. The great thing about all the 123 range is how robust it all is as Billy does quite like to throw things…
Thus far Billy has his favourite farm game and that is to empty it of it’s contents, and then put everything back in through the barn doors – That’s everything and about anything he can find. Once full he’ll then throw it to the floor with an almighty crash and, as all the pieces slide under furniture, the barn lies there all forlorn and in tatters. But with a few simple clicks it is all back together again and ready to go again. Hard as nails!
Respect to you Playmobil 123 – the Chuck Norris of pre school toys.