Pick a face – Its emoji day

It is World Emoji Day today dontcha know? There is an award ceremony too called the 2017 World Emoji Awards so go cast your vote and help determine the winner of Best New Emoji, Most Anticipated Emoji, or new Lifetime Achievement Award.Winners announced live from the New York Stock Exchange VOTE HERE

Love emojis? Course you do or its unlikely you’d have made it this far :

Emojinary £24.99

Work out what emojis are trying to say, and work it out quick. A board game of pictures you can play  Guessing, Drawing, Spotting or Acting. Use your emojination and put a smiley on your face. Grab a copy HERE

Emotify £15.99

They say it is fun and exciting, you’ve to use emotes to create brand names, actions, friends, family members, famous people, activities and places. A whopping 350 emoti chips inside, double sided too, they say it’s the perfect gift for emoti fans – we cannot disagree. Want one? HERE


Top Trumps Emotis £4.29

Bring your favourite emotes to life with the Top Trumps card game, play it almost anywhere (not swimming pools or whilst driving). Find out the Twitter rank for the Heart, friendliness of Sunglasses and the Top Trump rating for Poop in this edition. Can’t wait to play? Grab one HERE

Uno Emoji £10

It’s a special edition of the popular card play, same as the basic one but her we’ve some special emoji rule cards for players to make and hold emoji faces. Head over HERE for yours.

Emoji Keyboard £9.99

Bash emojis with your digits daily on this silicon wrap for your keyboard. A protector from your spills too. Think this is rad and groovy? Form an orderly queue HERE

About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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