Outdoor Toy Awards are celebrating the great outdoors


The Outdoor Toy Awards 2019 are back, entries have been flying in from all over the UK and Europe so come this 9th June we’re going to likely need a bigger playground. Every toy enter will be put through its paces  in our dedicated event space by over 50 Toyminators aged 5-14. WE organised this bash last year and had loads of coverage in trade and kids media and this year hope to see even more.  We’ve teamed up with Kidzcoolit and magazine outfit DC Thompson and their 110% Gaming and Sweet Magazines and have a space secured in First News too…..Whoop.

“We’re thrilled to be part of this outdoor adventure for the second year after a very successful first year” says Kirsty Matthews, Head of magazine marketing at DC Thompson. “Getting kids outdoors and active and having loads of fun is totally aligned with the messages from our magazines, we’re hoping to get a trampoline installed in the offices soon!”

To further enhance online and social media reach the awards are working alongside Kidzcoolit where regular updates on award entries will be posted in the approach to the awards day. The Kidzcoolit website and newsletter will also be utilised to keep outdoor play front of mind to their legions of readers with a competition to celebrate the end of the OTA19 adventure.

Brand owner Nick at Kidzcoolit said “‘In 2018 the U.K. had glorious summer weather perfect for outdoor fun and I’m feeling quietly confident that 2019 will be just as stunning”

The Outdoor Playtime awards final will be live-streamed on the day over Facebook and Twitch, a video created celebrating the day and winners and runners-up revealed well ahead of the school summer holidays. “We hope this’ll all assist in offering guidance for the ideal outdoor toys for parents to pick to get kids up and active in the holidays” said Patrick Codd, co- organiser of the awards.

To get involved go here –  www.theoutdoortoyawards.co.uk

The Categories :

Climbing and Adventure – Sport and Splash Fun – Outdoor Games – Flying Toys

Ride On – Trampolines – Pre-School – Outdoor Play – Battle & Blaster Toys

Houses, Tents & Hideaways – Science and Nature

About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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