New direction for One Direction?


Well, for now it seems they’ll continue on their tour in faraway lands as a troupe of just four, will angry Zayn devotees be unconsolable that their idol isn;t on stage and demand a 20% refund of their ticket, we doubt it, perhaps just a slightly higher squeal/scream or, for added effect some tears. Goodbye Zayn, we think we loved you a little bit too, your “I-dressed-myself-and-not-ion-the-dark-style pleased us and your boyish Colin Farrell looks had us double-taking every time we clocked you on the TV (and when we watch Colin Farrell films). So sayonara Mr Malik, go enjoy some non spotlight time and have fun splashing some of your hard(ish) earned cash. If you haven;t already folks perhaps it is the time to stash some Zayn Malik dolls, well they’ll unlikely be making  a new batch, so, is it a crisp white shirted Zayn? A Singing Zayn or a Butlins version? Whilst we’re here we would like to congratulate the social media team @lidluk for totally winning at their game yesterday with this seasonal/1D related tweet:



About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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