Marble Mania

The chap behind Big Brother has a show airing in Amsterdam all about marbles, creating runs and such, a competitive pursuit, prize money on offer, the lot. Sounds like they’re bringing it to the UK, well, LEGO Masters did well, The toys that Mades us on Netflix was a winner and even Channel 5 pulled it off with their Model Railway competitive construct show. We’re loving all things retro, nostalgia has us by the short and curly’s of late, and come on, who does not like a marble run? So, can John De Mol make this celebrity marble racing family friendly show a success? We do hope so.

Anyway, listen to us he/she/it/him talking with Kev O Sullivan this weekend about marbles on Talk Radio, am surprised how much one can say on the spherical subject to be honest.

About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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