LEGO Star Wars heads about to arrive – Excitement levels are high

It says 18+ on the box so, sorry kids, look away now. LEGO have unveiled these three Star Wars helmets celebrating the heads of the Tie Fighter Pilot, Stormtroopers and Boba Fett each arriving in a box that’s very much akin to those of the Ultimate Collector Series (UCS) stuff. Available for pre-order today they’ll set you back a not-outrageous £59.99.

LEGO Tie Fighter Pilot – 724 pieces standing 18cm high

LEGO Stormtrooper – 647 pieces and stands 18cm high

LEGO Boba Fett – 625 pieces and 21cm when complete


About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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