As defined by the Danes – ‘A Kronkiwongi does NOT come with instructions, is not in any dictionary and cannot be found anywhere. A Kronkiwongi cannot be truly defined as it is anything a child can imagine and build.’ the latest campaign by the LEGO group is designed to get kids doing with the bricks what is ultimately best, building your own thing. When you combine a bit of a LEGO Friends set, a touch of a CITY Police station, a few wheels from the Speed Racers and a mish mash of bricks from your regular sets you’ll end up with something totally unique and learn to love the brick again without an instruction manual to hand. Check out the Facebook page for a host if videos all about the Kronkiwongi and then, get on and create/upload your own.
There’s only right and no wrong. #kronkiwong. Here’s our little taster set, lets see what we can do.