Jump Around


It is time to get up and active, this day is #fitnessday with @_ukactive, calling couch bound console gamers to slip on those trainers and get off your backsides. We’re not a bunch of triathletes here at Toyology Towers, running for the bus and carrying heavy bags from toy shop hauls is our average workout but we do manage to keep our Fitbits counting about average workrates. We’ve an outdoor lido nearby, an outdoor gym in the local park and have our new NERF dog toy meaning the dogs have never had so much outdoor action. We could all perhaps do a bit more, that “apple a day” might be one of these play-like activities that disguises the exercise, much like an edutainment toy makes learning fun, lets call this playcercise – Or perhaps not :

Slackline – £34.99 From Wind Swept

Sets up in no time, tricky to master but as the adage goes practice makes you look daft until you can do it properly. Superb for core strength just ensure both ends are attached to something uber secure.


Limbo Hop – £19.99 from Argos

Instructions for this one originate from the 1992 House of Pain classic in which the rapper asks the listener to “jump up and get down”.  This game can be played solo, head-to-head or in teams and is good old grin inducing fun.



Helix Sports – £14.99 from Wind Swept

Combining the speed of a ball with the flight pattern of a badminton shuttle you can thwack these Helix things up to 45 feet. You need no net nor playing surface with pre-defined lines, just some outdoor space and a worthy opponent.


About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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