Purveyor of marvellous milkshakes and meatballs of distinction have today confirmed what I think we already knew, well, perhaps not quite to this extent. Swedish retailer, IKEA, fhave found that we Brits have over 15 billion unused items stashed away in our houses and yes, toys take the top spot of stuff we’re stashing.
- Data found that 92% of the country admit they still own unused items, with a quarter (25%) revealing they would even view themselves as an “everyday hoarder”
- Toys (including soft toys, dolls and board games) are the most held onto items in British homes
- On average, British children have 114 toys each, despite only playing with 10%. Consequently, more than 4 in 5 (81%) parents admit they struggle to find the space and suitable storage solutions for their children’s toys
And so, in an effort to get this nation started toward a more organised home life (big ask that one) IKEA have partnered with Barnardo’s to launch ‘Toy Stor-age’ points in eight IKEA stores across the UK. From the 29th March – 31st March these stations will let you you’re your pre-loved playthings to charity in exchange for a tenner off any of IKEA’s toy storage solutions – these include TROFAST, KALLAX, FRITIDS, STUVA, FLYTTBAR – A job in the naming department at IKEA would be about the same level of utter fun as one on the NERF naming team!