Flick to win – Not a football in sight



We’re not sure why the blue King fell out with the Red one but if they hadn’t their spat might never have been immortalised in this quite brilliant board game Cube Quest. Anyone hankering for a fix of the 80’s classic Crossbows and Catapults, rampaging against your opponents ramparts style play this’ll not disappoint, those with no idea what we’re on about no matter you’ll enjoy the head-slappingly simplicity of it and sending cubes crashing.

Open the box and there are two playmats and a bunch of cubes, set the battlefield pieces together and start with the simple play version where the aim is to set up your cubes each side of the mat and by flicking your forces try and topple the king from the mat for a win. This can take one flick (lucky turn from a ten year old) or ten minutes, there’s a bit of strategy and plenty of smiling. If you fancy progressing then introduce the extra cubes with additional powers and crack on, play either version with kids (smaller ones are particularly useful in running about picking up played pieces) or after a night out (not-so-challenging-post-pub-party-play) – Grab one over HERE and check out what others say, it really can’t be faulted – Toyology Gold award all the way.


About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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