Get ready to sass it up with the all-singing, all dancing Sassimals – Flossi the Flamingo and Ali the Alpaca are the desktop toys that’ll be the talk of the water-cooler, well Zoom call at least. I am not sure what “Sass” actually is as I have never had any but they tell me this pair are full of it, as well as attitude. Each one has a talk back and dance mode where their neck dances and wildly wiggles. Press the microphone on Ali and Flossi’s left foot for talkback, they repeat what you say in a silly, sassy (?) voice. A press on the music note on their right foot offers up funky Sassimal songs, if this npair don’t spawn a wave of new Tik Tok moves then I’m a middle-aged man with no idea…wait, I am. Let’s see eh doubters of my “yoof” social media insight shall we?