Avengers Endgame selection box from Hasbro is strong

We saw the postie struggling up the path so did what anyone would, enjoyed the spectacle of him navigating the gate and two-steps to the front door.  Hasbro gifted us this array of #freeproduct and for that we’re sending them virtual flowers. As the biggest grossing movie for its opening weekend of all time you’d expect a strong game from those with a toy licence. We saw last week that the Danish brick builder had done the film proud, but step aside modular toy creator Hasbro have stolen the crown by a country mile.

Avengers End Game toys from Hasbro – The Haul

An impressive nay incredible line-up of action figures, some static, others with actions included, all with very decent detail. Then there’s the line-up of role-play items, from A Gauntlet (with SoundFX) and Hammer (with soft hammery bit) to blasters releasing differing types of projectiles from the NERF ranges – Take a look, do try and keep your mouths closed:

Avengers Legends Series – Loving these, shelf-worthy indeed
Avengers Titan Hero series – We’re going to need some extra shelving
Avengers Nerf Assembler gear – Spoilt for choice when it comes to your role-play blaster needs
Avengers Thor Hammer (modular with a soft bashy bit) and Infinity Gauntlet (light and SoundFX)

About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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