We saw the postie struggling up the path so did what anyone would, enjoyed the spectacle of him navigating the gate and two-steps to the front door. Hasbro gifted us this array of #freeproduct and for that we’re sending them virtual flowers. As the biggest grossing movie for its opening weekend of all time you’d expect a strong game from those with a toy licence. We saw last week that the Danish brick builder had done the film proud, but step aside modular toy creator Hasbro have stolen the crown by a country mile.

An impressive nay incredible line-up of action figures, some static, others with actions included, all with very decent detail. Then there’s the line-up of role-play items, from A Gauntlet (with SoundFX) and Hammer (with soft hammery bit) to blasters releasing differing types of projectiles from the NERF ranges – Take a look, do try and keep your mouths closed: