Another top toys list anyone? Here’s two, you’re welcome.

Tesco and Hamley’s have sent out their top selling toys for Christmas predictions list and, well, there’s a hint of déjà vu, just a modicum, only saying. LEGO Mario starter set, dogs that unbox themselves (Present Pets, Paw Patrol Dino set, Rainbocorns, Laser Battle Hunters, Rollin’ Rovee all make both lists, Pictionary Air, UNO Showdown and OSMO Genius Starter sets are toys from 2019 that find themselves being wheeled out once more. Monopoly, NERF and Barbie are there for the umpteeth time, Tesco did however show us something we’d not seen previously, a doll that burps, talks and toots, all at the same time? It is part of the KindiKids range and goes by the name of Shiver n Shake Rainbow Kate and she doesn’t sound at all well does she?

About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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