Introducing you to the Feisty Pets, they’ve been in my life for some time, Glenda Glitterpoop was the first and despite an initial lukewarm response from our resident plush expert I acquired the set. Suckerpunch dog pottymouth cat, Sir growls-a-lot, black-belt Bobby and Karl the snarl completes the line-up of these quite remarkable transforming plus pets. A simple squeeze at the rear of the jowl area turns them from uber-cute to downright nasty in an instant, the transformation is remarkable. With their teeth bared and eyebrows shifted they couldn’t look more menacing. Their original “owners” have created some spankingly good content over on their Youtube channel, and should you be inspired to pick up one or more of your own animal(s) with attitude they’re £19.99 a piece at Menkind.