A new Spin on things


Since 2014 the Crazy Cart family of ride-ons has had us grinning like grinny things, this latest in the line-up has done something we didn’t think possible – lost the lift-up drift bar. The chap in charge of new initiatives at Razor, Ali Kermani, told us “We noticed most kids weren’t using it, choosing to keep both hands on the wheel. That observation led us to develop a simpler version of the Crazy Cart which allows all the spinning and drifting manoeuvres to occur without the need for a drift bar.” Well, skeptics that we are, decided when the box arrived IT’LL NEVER WORK, but were immediately struck by how much lighter it was than the original, lifted it out with ease, yelled to the kids that our Shift was here and off we went.


Speeds up to 8mph (12kmh for you Europes), 32 minutes on a full charge, spinning capacity of about 350 degrees, robust yet light enough to pick up, easy to store, sells for about £250. All round we rather like this bit of kit, certainly falls into the big present category, but young drifters will love it. Large even outdoor spaces are preferable but not essential. Now where is that adult sized one, come on Ali……

About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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