Robotic reptiles anyone?

robo alive snake
Robo Alive snakes – without a plane

The Robo alive brand has thus far brought us various water-activated realistic fish and turtles too, splendid bath time fun and we’ve taken a handful on holiday too and been amused by our antics beside the hotel pool. Two new creatures in the form of the Slithering Snake and Lurking lizard offer both decent movements, at some speed in fact and additional features to give them that robotic like realism. The snake, moves around, side-to-side, hissing (silently) its tongue and the eyes moving, left to its own devices it runs in a rather random circularish shape and, if you’ve the space it’ll make it back to base. The lizard is powered along by its two back legs performing a cartoonesque circular motion that propels it forward at pace and when its head is tilted stops and has a look around. An impressive performance from both and, at around a tenner each during this sale crazy period well worth adding to the pile.

robo alive lizard
robo alive lizard


About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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