Cozy Coupe gets Supersized



You’d think a lightweight, single seater coupe that produces zero emissions would be a pipe dream, wouldn’t you? But the folks at Little Tikes seem to have cracked it with an ‘Adult-sized’ version of the best-selling car in the UK, the Cozy Coupe. The car, which can fit even the loftiest of adults or abnormally tall children, has been made to commemorate over 30 years of the iconic British car being in production. The Cozy Coupe could even accommodate a man as tall as Jeremy Clarkson, which means an appearance on Top Gear next series may be in the pipeline (with Hamster Hammond in the regular version alongside).

In production since 1979, a generation of motorists can proudly say their first car was a Cozy Coupe, and the insurance didn’t make their eyes water. The same generation can also probably recall the times when they decided to climb in one as a young adult, and got themselves wedged inside. Over ten millions “Cozy’s” have rolled off the production line, and last year it sold 30% more models than the Ford Fiesta, the bestselling engine-powered car in the UK, with all the figures suggesting it’ll outsell the Fiesta again in 2013. If you’re looking for a new motor which can zip through the city streets and only needs refuelling when you do, you can test drive the Giant Cozy Coupe at the Lollibop Festival in London this weekend by heading over to Tikes Town.

About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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